Tamagawa Alphorn Club Presented
Handmade Alphorn for the Korea YodelAssociation Project 2008.

●Report on our tour to Seoul, 慶州(英文名?) and etcfor our presentation of our handmade Alphorns to Korea Jodel Association.(From October 2, 2008 to October 5, 2008) 2008年10月2日(木)〜5日(日)韓国ヨーデル協会へ手づくりアルプホルン贈呈ツアー(大韓民国ソウル、慶州他)
 We visited Korea to present our handmade Alphorns in total eleven units produced
under special project by our Tamagawa Alphorn Club members, the works of which
had started since January, 2008.
 The relationship between Korea Yodel Association and our Tamagawa Alphorn Club
was well been maintained and continued since 1990. So far, we have several times
visited each country and received each member by means of the invitations given 
each other. In receiving members of each country, those at both ends extended the utmost and best possible support and cooperation. This kind of reception attitude was not by a contract, but was from the hospitality of all members of both countries. 
 Now, this is our report of the tour this time. On the first day, we, sixty members of
both countries, gathered together in a Youth Hostel in Seoul, and stayed there one night. The remarkable and very much impressive event was the meals served in a restaurant near the Hostel, the big wooden basket fully contained meals which seemed to be for all attendants, but it was announced that it was only for five person!!. Finally, five or sixbasckets were served.
 After such meals, we had smoothly and successfully preformed our blowing our Alphorns and played our musical instruments. W enjoyed much playing, talking and singing and dancing until three o'clock in the morning. Some of the members instantly received massarge serveice by Mr. Han.
 The second day, on the morning, we held a seminar on Alphorn. In the seminar, we
introduced our know-how about keeping the Alphorns in good dondition. We thought that the level of blowing technique of Alphorn by Korean members would become higher than Japan in near future.
 According to Korean members, actualy they have other eleven Alphorns in their hand. After the seminar, we visited and performed our Alphorn in front of the Asakawa Takumi Grave Yard. Chairman of the Asakawa Takumi memorial association showed up there, and also a person who translated a book published by Asakawa, too.
 The forty members of Korea Yodel Association have also performed their singing at
the place. We were surprised that the Korean side have kindly prepared a big hanging screen mentioning name of our association. We felt kind and  warm heart of Korean members from the big screen, then it was presented to us for bringing back to Japan.
Reported by J. Nakagawa, President of Tamagawa Alphorn Club




Have almost finished fabricatiing the Handmade Alphorns to be handed over to Korean Yodel Association.
(Report on our Activity on August 30, 2008)
 As we previously reported, we started our work of this project in the spring time of this year,and now, we are happy to report that the total eleven sets of Alphorns have almost beencompleted.
 On August 30th, Saturday, the day of our regular meeting and practicing day,
we displayed these Alphorns in front of the members. Though there were many things of difficulties and happenings during the process of fabricating the Alphorns by each member and  joint venture groups, finally all the Alphorns have been completed in good and suffcient quality. All the attendants were surprised at and admired the workmanship of the products.
 To be exact, one set of Alphorn is still under fabrication at the final stage, but
are sure that this would be completed before we visit to Korea. So, we can say that our preparation to visit Korea is now ready.
 We must say many thanks for those members who joined this project and cooperated to achieve this special project. We, about ten members, including the abovemembers, have  a plan to visit Korea in early October, 2008.
 The photos below show the members for this special project with Alphorns newly made.


Dear All the Members of The Korea Jodel Association,
We would like to report you on the present situation of our handmade
Alphorns to be handed over to your group members.
Finally, we are at a finishing stage of our works to make total eleven
Alphorns in the middle of September 2008. We have already completed our works of making nine Alphorns, and now under working are additional two Alphorns.
Please refer to the attached table of our members who joined this project.
Mr. Kimura has continued the works as a successor from a joint venture
group of Mr. Shimamura and Mr. Ikehara, the completion of his works being expected to be at the end of  August.
Another joint venture group of Mr. Ohta and Mr. Shimazaki are making the second Alphorn. They are making the components for No. 2 and No. 3 now, their completion being expected soon. The work for remainder No. 1 components would start after completion of the said No. 2 and No. 3.
Mr. Kimura recently became a successor of a joint venture group of Mr.
Tazaki and Mr. Shimamura. We are very grateful for Mr. Kimura's kind
proposal this time.
Also, we are happy to get a help by Mr. Uchikoshi, and special help by Mr. Kobayashi who is not so good in health condition. Furthermore, Mr.
Watanabe did his job under his particular situation while attending to
nursing care of his family.
Under such situations above, anyway, we are looking forward to meeting all of you in October 2008,  bringing the Alphorn wiht us !!
With our best regards,
Shigetoshi Nakagawa,President of Tamagawa Alphorn Club, Japan

Table of situation of our handmade Alphorn

Group ID Nme of person who  Nam,e of Project : Handmade Alphorn for Korea
joined this project Quantity Material delivered Situation Comment by Mr. Ando (Controller)
Mr. Mrs. Ogawa 1 3/29 Completed
Mr. Kobayashi
Mr. Watanabe 1 3/29 Completed
Mr. Ando 1 3/29
Mr. Misaki Completed
Mr. Iguchi
Mr. Tazaki 1 4/1 Mr. Kimura had majority working by himself
Mr. Arai Completed
Mrs. Honma  
Mr. Kimura
Mr. Shimamura 1 4/5 Under making Mr. Kimura has working hard as successor
Mr. Ikehara To be completed at the end of August
Mr. Kimura
F Mr. Mrs. Hatano 1 4/5 Under making Needed precise checking and fix the brass
Mr. Uchikoshi tube for No. 1 and No.2 Components
To be completed at the 9th of August
G Mr. Shimazaki 1 4/2 Completed
Mr. Ohta 1   Making To be completed on mid of Sept. 2008
H Mr. Kobayashi 1 4/1 Completed
J Mr. Watanabe 1 8/2 Making To be completed before Mid. Sept. '08
K Mr. Kobayashi 1 8/2 Making To be completed before Mid. Sept. '08
Total 11

結論的には 全て9月中旬には 終わると見ています。完成 9本。作業中は2本。〔添付を参照ください)遅くても 9月中旬は大丈夫でしょう。
 島村・池原グループは 木村さんに 交代しましたので 8月中の完成はみえてると思います。
大田・島崎グループは 2本目をやってます。 2,3番管は完成に近いが1管が これから。
 それにしても 木村さんは 田崎グループ,島村グループから代わって やっていただいており感謝にたえません。
 また 急遽 支援いただいた打越さん、病をおしてやっていただいた小林さん、家族の介護をしながら完成いただいた渡辺さんにも感謝感激です。
 玉川アルプホルンクラブ 代表 中川重年

●2008/05/03 Group of making Alphorn
We have made 9 Alphorns in 8 groups, and introduce that all members.

1)Takashi and Mitsuyo OGAWA , Takeshi KOBAYASHI. (1)
Their work will be complete at middle May 2008.

2)Yoshihiro WATANABE (1)
He had made a complete Alphorn.

3)Tadao ANDOH, Akemi MITSUHASHi, Fusako IGUCHI. (1)
Theie work will be complete at middle May 2008.

4)Toru TAZAKI, Sayoko ARAI, Eiko HONMA. (1)
Their work will be complete at August 2008.

5)Ryuichi SHIMAMURA, Morihiko IKEHARA. (1)
Their work will be complete at August 2008.

6)Kazuhisa and Tatsuko HADANO, Osamu ISHIHARA (1)
Their work will be complete at August 2008.

7)Fumiharu OTA, Syoji SHIMAZAKI. (2)
Their work will be complete at August 2008.

8)Takeshi KOBAYASHI. (1)
He works will be complete at August 2008.

●2008/04 Start to make

At April in Atsugi JAPAN, Cherry Blossom is very beautiful.
We start to make Alphorn active. Machine is shouted.


Woods for Alphorn

Mr.Nakagawa got woods for Alphorn that is Korean Pine Wood ,in Hokkaido.

●2008/01 Club members understood this Project, At New Year Club Meeting

  2008/04-09 Make Alphorn
  2008/10   Visit to Korea with Handmaded Alphorn.

We have continued to promote friendship with Korea Yodel Association since1994. And we have had a good time with Korean Yodel members, enjoying Swiss folk music.
We have hoped that Korean and Japanese members will enjoy more friendlier relationship, more fun with Swiss folk music.For this reason, we have started this project.
*About the Korea Yodel Association and Tamagawa Alphorn Club Japan friendshippromotion/activities, Clic Here(sorry Japanease only).


Tamagawa Alphorn Club /Kanagawa Atsugi JAPAN
